Press Releases & Announcements
Modoc County Supervisor Ned Coe Endorses Tenessa Audette for State Assembly District 1
Modoc County Supervisor Ned Coe has officially endorsed Tenessa Audette for State Assembly District 1. Coe joins numerous respected leaders around District 1 who agree Audette is the clear choice to represent North State communities in the State Capitol.
Sheriff Gary Redman Endorses Tenessa Audette for State Assembly District 1
Sheriff Gary Redman of Amador County has officially endorsed Tenessa Audette for State Assembly District 1. This endorsement comes as a significant show of support from a distinguished law enforcement leader.
Tenessa Audette Wins the Straw Poll after the Shasta County GOP Debate
1st Assembly District candidate Tenessa Audette announced a significant victory in the Shasta GOP straw poll held following a spirited debate among five Republican Assembly District 1 candidates.
Assembly District 1 Candidate Tenessa Audette to Speak at Leadership Summit
Assembly candidate Tenessa Audette will be a featured speaker along with Senator Shannon Grove, Eric Ching, and Elizabeth Ahlers at America Upheld’s September 16th Leadership Summit in Pasadena.
El Dorado County Supervisor George Turnboo Endorses Tenessa Audette
1st Assembly District candidate Tenessa Audette announced that she was endorsed by El Dorado County Supervisor George Turnboo. Hoheisel joins several other 1st Assembly District individuals who are also endorsing Tenessa Audette such as Shasta County Supervisor Mary Rickert; and more.
Shasta Union High School District Board Member Endorses Tenessa Audette
1st Assembly District candidate Tenessa Audette announced that she was endorsed by High School District Board Member Andrea Hoheisel. Hoheisel joins several other 1st Assembly District individuals who are also endorsing Tenessa Audette such as Shasta County Supervisor Mary Rickert; and more.
Redding City Councilman Jack Munns Endorses Tenessa Audette
1st Assembly District candidate Tenessa Audette announced that she was endorsed by Redding City Council member Jack Munns. Munns joins several other 1st Assembly District individuals who are also endorsing Tenessa Audette such as Shasta County Supervisor Mary Rickert; and more.
Retired Shasta County Sheriff Jim Pope Endorses Tenessa Audette
1st Assembly District candidate Tenessa Audette announced that she was endorsed by Retired Shasta County Sheriff Jim Pope. Pope joins several other 1st Assembly District individuals who are also endorsing Tenessa Audette such as Shasta County Supervisor Mary Rickert; and more.
Modoc County Supervisor Geri Byrne Endorses Tenessa Audette
Today 1st Assembly District candidate Tenessa Audette announced that she was endorsed by Modoc County Supervisor Geri Byrne. Byrne joins several other 1st Assembly District individuals who are also endorsing Tenessa Audette such as Shasta County Supervisor Mary Rickert; Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie Bridgett; And Redding City Councilwoman Julie Winter.
My Adjectives are Small & Limited
Hateful, crazy, racist, insane, take your pick at the adjectives used these days on both sides to describe the opposing political party. We have moved past the expected realm of political debate into name calling that doesn't teach or inform. My brand of politics seeks to have the debate on ideas.
Redding City Councilwoman Julie Winter Endorses Tenessa Audette
1st Assembly District candidate Tenessa Audette announced that she was endorsed by Redding City Councilwoman Julie Winter. Winter joins several other 1st Assembly District individuals who are also endorsing Tenessa Audette such as Shasta County Supervisor Mary Rickert; And Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie Bridgett.
District Attorney Stephanie Bridgett Endorses Tenessa Audette
1st Assembly District candidate Tenessa Audette has earned the endorsement of Stephanie Bridgett, Shasta County District Attorney. Bridgett joins several other 1st Assembly District individuals who are also endorsing Tenessa Audette such as Shasta County Supervisor Mary Rickert.